Western Woods

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Western Woods
Lady B 3 336 by Sammeh
Oct 18, 2011 23:22:37 GMT -5


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Western Woods
A fair sized forest lying long the banks of the river on the far reaches of the Nyx landscape. Though a forest, there is no life, just death. Here, the trees do not bloom, forever are their limbs barren with brown dead leaves. Brown leaves coat the forest floor, no fresh green grass grows but there are some places where a decaying grass may be found. Bitter in taste, much like any bush leaves or the berries that dot the forest. Careful, some of those berries are poisonous. Trees thicken the forest, are gnarled and decaying but most stand tall and intimidating with skeletal branches. The sun never shines here, only over cast skies that cover the forest with gray, but at night, the clouds often break up to allow the moon to shine down upon the forest. Only two small caves and a decaying bridge decorate this hellish forest. Some say, this forest is haunted. Do you really want to find out?

The Lord : Daredevil
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