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newBookmarkLockedFalling A New Queen {Open}
zin 8 495 by Lady B
Feb 17, 2012 1:58:32 GMT -5


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All the Nyxes, they live on one island. This island all has one season, pretty much, but it ranges. There is only one way on that is not treacherous waters. That is on the southernmost land. There is a huge gait which allows access to the castle, and only, to begin with, the castle. The king and queen will then decide where you go from there. So, you are to visit this land first, and quite frankly, there is no way around it. On the northernmost part of the island, it is all snow and hard to maneuver through all year round while on the southernmost, it is so hot that fires tend to start at random times. East and west, they are actually four-seasoned. How lovely.
Ladies and gentlemen, we bring you the southernmost part of the island. The temperatures here range from 90 degrees Fahrenheit to over 120. Fun isnt it? There is a forest in the center of the land, and deep within a run down castle, for this is where the king and queen live. The forest often starts on fire, making it hard for any non-nyxes to get to the castle. And to get to the land, you need to get to said castle. After you get past the castle, there are more woods and then a meadow. The meadow is often filled with deer, and with deer come coyotes and wolves. Sounds fun. There are so many rivers going through Xenon itself that there arent any names for them, except for the central one which is the Oventri River. It is up to 30 feet deep on flooding seasons to as shallow as 10 inches on drought, or even less... That is about all that Xenon is made up of. but if you travel further west, you will hit the land of the lord and lady. good luck as a nyx, and have some good fun.

Queen ;; Calamity
King ;; - - -
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