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newBookmarkLockedFalling In Fields of Gold
Lady B 0 347 by Lady B
Oct 19, 2011 21:43:36 GMT -5


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This is the main Lior land. Where the Lior king and queen reside. They are quite the pair.
To the north, you see the ocean. It is big and vast with all its beauty. To the south there is a large meadow. It is humungous and the grass is very plentiful. there is, strangely, no winter in this land. There is a spring, very very fresh water within it, to the east, and to the west is the large gates, which lead to the other lands. Within the center is a large castle, but it is broken down and unusable. But in the courtyard, there is an apple tree, very plentiful, and if you eat the apple, things can happen. Don't try it if you dont know where it leads.

King ;; - - - -
Queen ;; - - -

Name (c) ' Demi.
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